Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
File #: 2025-65    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution, Finance Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Financial Services
On agenda: 3/19/2025 Final action:
Title: The Board of Water Commissioners approves the proposed schedule of Detroit Retail Water and Sewerage Rates and Fees consistent with the FY 2025-2026 Revenue Requirements and Water and Sewer System Budgets approved by the Board of Water Commissioners on March 19, 2025 and also authorizes the Director and the Chief Financial Officer to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
Indexes: Finance Committee
Attachments: 1. FY 2026 Water and Sewer Rates Resolution


The Board of Water Commissioners approves the proposed schedule of Detroit Retail Water and Sewerage Rates and Fees consistent with the FY 2025-2026 Revenue Requirements and Water and Sewer System Budgets approved by the Board of Water Commissioners on March 19, 2025 and also authorizes the Director and the Chief Financial Officer to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.



Agenda of March 19, 2025                     

Item No. 2025-65

Detroit Water and Sewerage Department

Schedule of Rates and Fees FY 2026


TO:                                          The Honorable

                                          Board of Water Commissioners

                                          City of Detroit, Michigan


FROM:                           Gary Brown, Director

                                          Water and Sewerage Department


RE:                     Resolution Adopting the Rates and Fees Structure to Support DWSD FY 2026 Revenue Requirements



Upon recommendation of Istakur Rahman, Chief Financial Officer of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, the Board of Water Commissioners approves the proposed schedule of Detroit Retail Water and Sewerage Rates and Fees consistent with the FY 2025-2026 Revenue Requirements and the Water and Sewer System Budgets approved by the Board of Water Commissioners on March 19, 2025 and also authorizes the Director and the Chief Financial Officer to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.


The proposed schedules of Rates and Fees are based on the approved Operating Revenue Requirements of $149,172,400 for the Retail Water System and $372,141,400 for the Retail Sewer System in FY 2026; and




RESOLVED                     That the Detroit Board of Water Commissioners approves the attached schedule of Rates and Fees to support DWSD FY 2026 Revenue Requirements; and be it finally;


RESOLVED                     That the Director and the Chief Financial Officer are authorized to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this resolution.





Schedule of Rates and Fees




                       Service Type

Proposed Fee                      FY 2026

Water and /or Sewer Services Permit Plan Review Fees




Residential Zoning*

$150.00/ 1st Cycle;


$ 75.00/ Subsequent Cycles

Non-Residential Zoning


*Four (4) Units or Less

$700.00/ 1st Cycle;


$ 350.00/ Subsequent Cycles

Stop Box Replacement


Water Turn On/Off (Maintenance & Repair and Meter Operations)


Real Estate Closing Fee (Non-AMR Accounts Only)


Water Service Line Reconnection Permit Inspection


Sewer Permit Inspection (fee relative to scope of work) Permit valid for one year from issue date


Water Permit Inspection (fee relative to scope of work) Permit valid for one year from issue date




Water line disconnection (restoration not included*)


Hydrant water use for residential demolition


Hydrant water use for commercial demolition


Stormwater Management Plan Review Fees


Preliminary plan review, and initial review of plans and comment letter, as-built plan review, and an inspection of the as-built project


Additional plan reviews (per plan review beyond initial)


Additional inspections (per inspection beyond initial)


*Cost for restoration by DWSD will vary based on type of restoration required, estimate will be provided


o Grass

Up to $500

o Sidewalk

Up to $1,500

o Road

Up to $15,000

Hydro excavation (NEW)








                       Penalty Type

Proposed Fee                      FY 2026

NSF (non-sufficient funds)


Missed Appointment (any type)


Illegal Turn-on


1st Offense


2nd Offense


On the second offense, unless full payment of all fees is made or a payment plan is initiated, the service line will be disconnected, and an additional fee will be assessed.


Tampered/Cut Cable (AMR)


1st Offense


2nd Offense


3rd Offense


Illegal dig Up or Illegal Water and/or Sewer Taps


1st Offense


2nd Offense


3rd Offense


Meter Operations


Damaged Meter Equipment


Meter sizes 5/8" - 1"


Meter sizes 1.5" - 2"


Meter sizes 3" - 12"


Damaged AMR equipment (MIU)


Unrecovered Meter

Per unrecovered meter depreciation charge table

Late Fee (assessed for each bill on previous ending balance


Tampering with lock (if digging is necessary)
