The Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve DWSD Contract 6006577 with AECOM Great Lakes, Inc.; for Professional Engineering Services, to support the Capital Improvement Planning Program (Project CS-1987); for a total contract amount not-to-exceed $11,564,000.00 and a term of 3 years. This also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
Agenda of September 18, 2024
Item No.: 2024-172
Contract No. 6006577 (CS-1987)
Contractor: AECOM Great Lakes, Inc. (DBB)
Address: 4219 Woodward Avenue, Suite 200, Detroit MI 48201
Contract Amount: $11,564,000.00
Contract Term (Tentative): 10/1/2024 - 9/30/2027 (3 years)
TO: The Honorable
Board of Water Commissioners
City of Detroit, Michigan
FROM: Gary Brown, Director
Water and Sewerage Department
RE: Proposed DWSD Contract No. 6006577 (CS-1987)
Professional Engineering Services to support the Capital Improvement Planning Program
AECOM Great Lakes, Inc.
Upon recommendation of Marqaicha Welch, Procurement Manager, the Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve DWSD Contract 6006577 with AECOM Great Lakes, Inc.; for Professional Engineering Services, to support the Capital Improvement Planning Program (Project CS-1987); for a total contract amount not-to-exceed $11,564,000.00 and a term of 3 years. This also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) delivery workflow process begins with prioritized neighborhood identification using the risk and criticality model and ends with active construction projects. The purpose of this contract is to provide technical services to continue supporting the programmatic approach, as established through CS-1812, Capital Improvement Program Management Organization (CIPMO) to renew and rehabilitate the water and sewer infrastructure in the City of Detroit. Neighborhoods have been identified through previous condition assessment and risk-criticality models for prioritized implementation of the water and sewer capital infrastructure renewal. The department has planned the capital improvement expenditures at approximately $350 million over the next five years, which may increase due to Federal Funding programs, such as the American Rescue Plant Act (ARPA), etc. There are several tasks performed under CS-1812 has been successfully transition to DWSD In-House team and being coordinated with industry Subject Matter Expert (SME). Therefore, outsourced technical assistance, especially the SME roles are needed to fulfill the various requirements.
The project main goals are to support key strategic priorities for drinking water quality & improved sewer system performance, identifying grant funding assistance, review and prioritization of asset management, as well as subject matter expert services to enhance the service delivery of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department. The services performed under this project, would improve the department’s operations, reduce water main breaks, reduce sewer line failures and mitigate against basement flooding.
The objective of the proposed Contract No. 6006577 is to continue supporting the programmatic approach to renew and rehabilitate the water and sewer infrastructure in the City of Detroit. Neighborhoods have been identified through previous assessment and planning efforts that are prioritized to implement water
and sewer capital infrastructure and other services as identified from the individual Task
Orders. The Contract duration of three (3) years.
This procurement was competitively solicited through a Request for Proposals (RFP) per Requisition 516888, which was fully approved on 2/6/24. The RFP was advertised on the Michigan Inter-Governmental Trade Network (MITN) BidNet website for 41 calendar days (3/5/24 - 4/15/24). MITN published this opportunity to 471 companies and 103 firms downloaded the bid package. In addition to posting on MITN, Procurement sent email notices to approximately 72 firms. Additional vendor outreach was performed by DWSD staff in an attempt to connect with firms that have not done business with DWSD in the past in an effort to expand the DWSD vendor pool.
The Evaluation Committee was comprised of a Manager of DWSD Field Services, a Finance Asset Manager, and a Manager of DWSD Field Engineering. Evaluations were based on the following criteria:
• Ability to perform work
• Work plan & organization
• Staff Experience
• Level of Effort & Costs
• Bona Fide Detroit Resident Participation
• Local Economic Development
Two proposals were received. Each proposal was evaluated by Procurement on a pass/fail basis with respect to responsiveness and responsibility. The two proposals, from Arcadis of Michigan and AECOM Great Lakes, Inc. were deemed responsible for meeting DWSD’s stated minimum qualifications.
Each voting member of the Evaluation Committee independently reviewed, evaluated, and scored the two (2) responsive and responsible proposals based on the criteria listed above. Procurement took the scores and tallied up the rankings based on the scores. Procurement then determined the highest ranked responsive and responsible Proposer.
Rank |
Proposer |
Score |
1 |
AECOM Great Lakes, Inc. |
2,574.95 |
2 |
Arcadis of Michigan |
2,560.00 |
Simultaneously to technical evaluation, Procurement conducted pricing negotiations with AECOM the highest ranked proposer. DWSD came to agreement with AECOM on a price of $11,564,000.00 per cost summary.
The Evaluation Committee and Procurement recommends the highest-ranked responsive & responsible Proposers AECOM Great Lakes, Inc. (CS-1987) for a term of one (3) year and a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $11,564,000.
AECOM Great Lakes, Inc.’s clearances expire on 2/19/25.
A. Contract No.: 6006577 (CS-1987)
B. Contractor: AECOM Great Lakes, Inc.
C. Contract Term (Tentative): 10/1/2024 - 9/30/2027 (3 years)
D. Contract Amount: $11,564,000.00
E. Anticipated FY Breakdown: FY 24-25: $2,500,000
FY 25-26: $4,000,000
FY 26-27: $4,000,000
FY 27-28: $ 1,064,000
F. Funding Source: CIP Funds
G. GL String: 5740-20334-487801-617900-900392-30129-0000-000000 - 50% Water
5831-20310-497800-617900-900393-30129-0000-000000 - 50% Sewer
This proposed contract was presented to the BOWC Finance Subcommittee on September 4, 2024. Per DWSD procurement protocol, Mayoral Review and City Council approval will also be obtained.