The Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve DWSD Contract 6006991 (DWS-970) with L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc., for Sewer Reconfiguration Project Near Riverside Park; for a total contract amount not-to-exceed $6,274,863.50 and a term of 465 days. This also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
Agenda of March 19, 2025
Item No.: 2025-50
Contract No.: 6006991 (DWS-970)
Contractor: L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc.
Address: 1581 23 Mile Rd., Macomb, MI 48042
Contract Amount: $6,274,863.50
Contract Term (Tentative): 5/1/2025 - 7/31/2026 (456 days)
TO: The Honorable
Board of Water Commissioners
City of Detroit, Michigan
FROM: Gary Brown, Director
Water and Sewerage Department
RE: Proposed DWSD Contract No. 6006991 (DWS-970)
Sewer Reconfiguration Project Near Riverside Park
L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc.
Upon recommendation of Marqaicha Welch, Procurement Manager, the Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve DWSD Contract 6006991 (DWS-970) with L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc., for Sewer Reconfiguration Project Near Riverside Park; for a total contract amount not-to-exceed $6,274,863.50 and a term of 456 days. This also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
DWS-970 is Stormwater Sewer Separation Project which will address sanitary sewer overflows in the City of Center Lind by providing additional capacity in the Detroit River Interceptor to discharge more sanitary flow into the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) system. The improvements will include increased pumping capacity. This contract was generated from an agreement which was entered by and between the CITY OF DETROIT, acting through its DETROIT WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT, the CITY OF CENTER LINE, and the GREAT LAKES WATER AUTHORITY. The Parties entered into this Agreement to:
(i) memorialize Center Line’s obligation to reimburse costs up to the $6 million maximum for the Offsetting Project,
(ii) memorialize DWSD’s obligation to construct the Offsetting Project, to complete all reporting requirements of the Grant Agreement and to meet the Final Due Date as set forth in this Agreement,
(iii) control the access to and the activities upon the Property by Center Line, its employees, engineers, consultants, bidders, contractors, subcontractors, and agents (collectively, “Center Line’s Agents”) during construction of the Improvements, and
(iv) provide for the coordination of activities between GLWA and Center Line that will be critical to the successful completion of the Improvements.
The need for additional capacity in the regional sewer system is identified in the scope of DWS-970, as potential to create sufficient capacity to address the need for the City of Center Line and benefit DWSD with establishing a storm-only system for the project area.
The outfalls B032 & B033 will be converted into storm only outfalls upon completion of this project and decommission them from the Detroit Riverfront Interceptor (DRI). As this project will install a new sanitary sewer to support the existing customers in the project area, the design has incorporated the necessary measures to convert the area from a combined sewer system to a storm only system.
The timeline impact for the funding and required Final Report have instituted the contract term to end July of 2026. As part of the Agreement, DWSD shall provide its final report to Center Line upon completion of the Offsetting Project, with associated invoices (the “Final Report”), on or before September 15, 2026 (the “Final Due Date”).
The objective of the proposed Contract No. 6006991 includes the removal of approximately 53 acres of residential and industrial land from DWSD's combined sewer system, as well as the elimination of two
combined sewer overflows to the Detroit River. The DWS-970 project includes the following work (all quantities approximate):
- 3,200 feet of PVC (SDR-26) sanitary sewer ranging in size from 8-inch to 21-inch
- 22 sanitary manhole structures
- 3,300 feet of CIPP lining ranging from 10-inch to 36-inch
- 20 Storm structures, including inlets, catch basins and manholes
- 1775 feet of 12-inch storm sewer
- 81,500 SF of pavement removal and replacement
- 15 potential lead water service replacements
This procurement was competitively solicited through a Request for Bids (RFB) per Requisition 527520, which was fully approved on 11/19/2024. The RFB was advertised on the Michigan Inter-Governmental Trade Network (MITN) BidNet website for 50 calendar days 12/3/24 - 1/22/25). MITN published this opportunity to 1,386 companies and 371 firms downloaded the bid package. In addition to posting on MITN, Procurement sent email notices to approximately 73 firms. Additional vendor outreach was performed by DWSD staff in an attempt to connect with firms that have not done business with DWSD in the past in an effort to expand the DWSD vendor pool. Four (4) bids were received:
Bidder |
Total Bid Price |
Equal. Applied |
Equal. Credit |
Equal. Bid Total |
L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc. |
$6,274,863.50 |
N/A |
N/A |
$6,274,863.50 |
Inner City Contracting LLC |
$6,374,793.76 |
N/A |
N/A |
$6,374,793.76 |
Major Contracting Group |
$6,982,000.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
$6,982,000.00 |
LGC Global, Inc. |
$7,444,149.37 |
N/A |
N/A |
$7,444,149.37 |
The Engineer’s Estimate for this work is $ 6,105,635.00
After the bids were reviewed, the lowest equalized bidder is L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc.; their bid included all required information and was deemed responsive and responsible. Therefore, it is recommended that L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc. be awarded the contract resulting from the RFB for DWS-970 in the amount of $6,274,863.50. The bid tab, responsiveness evaluation, and bid was sent to the Permitting and Stormwater Management Group.
L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc. clearances expire on 8/28/25 and the formal contract document has been sent to the vendor for review and signature.
A. Contract No.: 6006991 (DWS-970)
B. Contractor: L. D'Agostini and Sons, Inc.
C. Contract Term (Tentative): 5/1/2025 - 7/31/2026 (456 days)
D. Contract Amount: $6,274,863.50
E. Anticipated FY Breakdown: FY 24-25: $ 4,000,000.00
FY 25-26: $ 2,274,863.50
F. Funding Source: CIP Funds - City of Center Line/ARPA
G. GL String: 5821-20243-497711-617900-900422-30129-0000-000000 - 100% Sewer
This proposed contract was presented to the BOWC Finance Committee on March 5, 2025. Per DWSD procurement protocol, Mayoral Review and City Council approval will also be obtained.