The Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve Amendment No. 3 to DWSD Contract 6002651 (CS-1943), with iVantage Group for temporary staffing services for iTron Application Analyst, by adding funding in the amount of $380,000 and extending the contract term by two (2) years, for a new total amended not-to-exceed amount of $965,000 and a term of 5.3 years. The BOWC also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
Agenda of June 21, 2023
Item No. 2023-127
Contract Number: 6002651 (CS-1943)
Contractor: iVantage Group, 10489 Grand River, Ste A, Brighton, MI 48116
Current Contract Amount: $585,000
Proposed Amendment No. 3 Amount: $380,000
Proposed New Total Contract Amount: $965,000
Current Contract Term: 3/31/20 - 6/30/23
Proposed Amendment No. 3 Extension: 7/01/21 - 6/30/25
Proposed New Contract Term: 3/31/20 - 6/30/25
TO: The Honorable
Board of Water Commissioners
City of Detroit, Michigan
FROM: Gary Brown, Director
Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
RE: Proposed Amendment No. 3 for CS-1943 (6002651)
For staffing services related to an iTron Application Analyst
iVantage Group
Upon recommendation of Marqaicha Welch, Procurement Manager, The Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve Amendment No. 3 to DWSD Contract 6002651 (CS-1943), with iVantage Group for temporary staffing services for iTron Application Analyst, by adding funding in the amount of $380,000 and extending the contract term by two (2) years, for a new total amended not-to-exceed amount of $965,000 and a term of 5.3 years. The BOWC also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
DWSD is currently upgrading the iTron Water Safe Source system. The replacement system is a cloud-based solution provided by iTron. As part of that project DWSD IT must upgrade all data integrations in order to ensure customers are billed accurately and on time. This is a project that will reprogram and support the integrations in preparation to hand off support to DWSD personnel.
In March of 2020, DWSD IT hired a contractor based off of SOQ-1869 from iVantage Inc. Since then, the staff provided by iVantage has been integral in preparing for the initial launch of the iTron replacement project with the first units being deployed in the pilot starting in March of 2023. Due to the replacement project being extended, DWSD IT is requesting that the iVantage contract be extended to continue providing on going enhancement and support of the software assets during the rollout of the remainder of the project.
In order to continue to and build upon the work already performed, DWSD IT is requesting to extend the contract two years for continued support of the project until June 30, 2025.
This contract was initially approved by the DWSD Director on 3/30/20 as a professional service contract for $185,000 and a term of 1 year (3/31/20 - 3/30/21). This contract was competitively solicited through the IT staffing vendors that were pre-qualified via an RFP in 2018.
Amendment 1: The DWSD IT Department submitted requisition #490458, for amendment to add 1 year, which was approved 8/6/21. Amendment No. 1 requested a contract extension through 5/30/21. The extension allowed for previously approved funds to cover vendor billing. An Executive Letter was routed for approvals and signed by Director Gary Brown on 8/16/21.
Amendment 2: The DWSD IT Department submitted requisition #489118, which was approved by Budget 7/23/21. Amendment No. 2 added $400,000 and extended the term through 6/30/23. The Amendment allowed for continued support services to DWSD provided by the iTron Application Analyst. BOWC approval was granted on 9/15/21.
Proposed Amendment 3: The DWSD IT Department submitted requisition #506965, which was approved by Budget on 5/5/23. Amendment No. 3 is a request to add $380,000 and extend the term to 6/30/25. The additional funds will cover the contract term extension of two years. The funds and extension allow for continued support services to DWSD provided by the iTron Application Analyst.
iVantage clearances expire 2/3/2024. An amendment to the service contract will be signed. Per DWSD procurement protocol, and past precedence, no further approvals are required.
A. Contract No.: 6002651 (CS-1943)
B. Initial Term: 3/31/2020 - 3/30/2021
C. Amendment 1 Extension: 3/31/2021 - 5/30/2021
D. Amendment 2 Extension: 5/31/2021 - 6/30/2023
E. Proposed Amendment 3 Extension: 7/01/2023 - 6/30/2025 *
F. Initial Contract Amount: $185,000
G. Amendment 2 Amount: $400,000
H. Proposed Amendment 3 Amount: $380,000 *
I. Proposed New Total Contract Amount: $965,000
J. Funding Source: CIP Funds
K. GL Strings(s):
5721-20244-487711-617400-900317-30129-0000-000000 - 50% Water
5821-20243-497711-617400-900318-30129-0000-000000 - 50 % Sewer
L. Anticipated Fiscal Year Spend:
FY 23-24: $190,000.00
FY 24-25: $190,000.00
This proposed amendment was presented to the BOWC on June 7, 2023. Per the DWSD Procurement Policy, and past precedence, no further approvals are required.