The Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit Water and Sewerage Department adopts the FY 2023-2024 Schedule of Board Meetings attached to this motion, and also authorizes the Chairman and the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
Agenda of June 21, 2023
Item No. 2023-147
FY 2022-2023 Schedule of BOWC Meetings
TO: The Honorable
Board of Water Commissioners
Detroit, Michigan
FROM: Gary Brown, Director
Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
RE: Amended FY 2023-2024 Schedule of BOWC Meetings
Upon recommendation of Debra N. Pospiech, Esq., Chief General Counsel, the Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit Water and Sewerage Department adopts the FY 2023-2024 Schedule of BOWC Meetings attached to this motion, and also authorizes the Chairman and the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.