Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
File #: 2025-54    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Financial Services
On agenda: 3/19/2025 Final action:
Title: The Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve DWSD Contract 6007027 with EJ USA Inc. and DWSD Contract 6007028 with Melmac Co., Inc. d/b/a Motor City Pipe & Supply Co. for Various Brass Items; for a combined total contract amount not-to-exceed $365,299.60 and a term of two years. The BOWC also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
Indexes: Board of Water Commissioners, Finance Committee
Attachments: 1. bid tab brass items 6007027 6006728
The Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve DWSD Contract 6007027 with EJ USA Inc. and DWSD Contract 6007028 with Melmac Co., Inc. d/b/a Motor City Pipe & Supply Co. for Various Brass Items; for a combined total contract amount not-to-exceed $365,299.60 and a term of two years. The BOWC also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.

Agenda of March 19, 2025
Item No.: 2025-54
Combined Total Not-to-Exceed Amount of both Contracts: $365,299.60
Contact Term: 4/1/25-3/31/27 (2 years)

Contract No.: 6007027
Vendor: EJ USA Inc., 301 Spring St., East Jordan, MI 49727
Contract Amount: $83,177.40

Contract No: 6007028
Vendor: Melmac Co, Inc. dba Motor City Pipe & Supply Co, 12389 Schaefer Hwy., Detroit, MI 48227
Contract Amount: $282,122.20

TO: The Honorable
Board of Water Commissioners
City of Detroit, Michigan

FROM: Gary Brown, Director
Water and Sewerage Department

RE: Proposed DWSD Contract 6007027 and Contract 6007028
Various Brass Items
EJ USA Inc. and Melmac Co., Inc. d/b/a Motor City Pipe & Supply Co.


Upon recommendation of Marqaicha Welch, Procurement Manager, the Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve DWSD Contract 6007027 with EJ USA Inc. and DWSD Contract 6007028 with Melmac Co., Inc. d/b/a Motor City Pipe & Supply Co. for Various Brass Items; for a combined total contract amount not-to-exceed $365,299.60 and a term of two years. The BOWC also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.


The DWSD Warehouses stock various brass parts. Brass parts are used for water service connections for distribution mains, service lines and meters. This contract will serve to replenish stock levels preventing emer...

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