The Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to approve DWSD Contract 6005009, a piggyback of CoD Contract 6004893, for as-needed electrical services for a term of six months with Power Lighting & Technical Services and a total contract amount non-to-exceed $500,000. This also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
Agenda of May 17, 2023
Item No. 23-118
Contractor: Power Lighting & Technical Services (DRB)
Contractor Address: 10824 West Chicago, Suite 200, Detroit, MI 48204
Piggybacking on CoD Contract No. 6004893
DWSD Contract No. 6005009
DWSD Amount: $500,000
Contract Term: 5/1/23 - 10/31/23 (6 months)
TO: The Honorable
Board of Water Commissioners
City of Detroit, Michigan
FROM: Gary Brown, Director
Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
RE: Proposed Contract 6005009 for as-needed electrical services for DWSD Field Services and Information Technology and DWSD Facility Operations from Power Lighting & Technical Services (piggybacking CoD Contract 6004893)
Upon recommendation of Marqaicha Welch, Procurement Manager, the Board of Water Commissioners for the City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department authorizes the Director to execute DWSD Contract 6005009, a piggyback of CoD Contract 6004893, for as-needed electrical services for a term of six months with Power Lighting & Technical Services and a total contract amount non-to-exceed $500,000. This also authorizes the Director to take such other action as may be necessary to accomplish the intent of this vote.
This proposed contract is to request to piggyback the City of Detroit Contract #6004893 for immediate electrical repair service needs of DWSD Field Services, Information Technology and Facilities Divisions. DWSD will issue an RFP to select three qualified contractors on a Task Order basis to add...
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